2019 -  Fact sheet on airport use of hearing loop technology..... 
            Linked to Today Show web site news feature on 7/31

            Can You Hear Me Now?  7/25
            How The Travel Industry Is Answering That Call ....................

            Hearing Journal 7/19 ............................................................
            Downloadable handout for professionals

and other hearing loop advocacy material

Posted here is a variety of slide presentations created by me dealing with some aspect of hearing loss that includes loops or telecoils.

    There Oughta Be a Law - A primer on organizing and running a campaign to get
                                               hearing loss related legislation written and passed.......................

    America in the Loop ----- A review of the history of hearing/telecoil technology and the
                                              growing availability of hearing loops in public places in this
                                              country and abroad.........................................................................

                                               An actual presentation of this workshop can be viewed at:

​                                                            https://youtu.be/YyHemVi8jCY

    GITHL 101 ------------------- A presentation explaining hearing loss and the benefits that
                                               hearing loop/telecoil technology can afford the hard of hearing ....

    Living With Hearing Loss - This workshop familiarizes people with the causes and results
                                               of hearing loss and many of the more popular means of coping
                                               with a hearing disability...................................................................

    Travel With Hearing Loss - This workshop contains a eview of various strategies to
                                                improve communication access when traveling and a review
                                                of several smart phone apps that are especially helpful to
                                                those with a hearing loss................................................................ 

    Let's Loop America --------This is a generic version of a Loop New Mexico slide show                                                                          used when making a presentation to decision makers at a                                                                            venue where a hearing loop would be the best way to provide                                                                      adequate communication access to visitors who have a
                                                hearing loss...................................................................................

   Lets Loop the Sunport ......This is the slide presentation used to advocate for the 
                                               installation of the Albuquerque, NM airport and , by request,
                                                be revised by the author for use at any airport................................